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Located in the middle of Hexi Corridor, Zhangye City dominates one area and five counties: Ganzhou Area, Linze, Gaotai, Shandan, Minle and Su’nan counties. The total area is 42 thousand square kilometers and the total population is 1.28 million people. There are Han, Hui, Tibetan, Mongolian, Yugu and other 38 nationalities, among which Yugu Nationality is the minority only inhabited in Gansu. It’s an Excellent Tourism City of China and national historical and cultural city now.

Zhangye was called as Ganzhou in ancient time. As the “arm” in Zhang Period to the communication with the western regions in Western Han Dynasty, Zhangye got its name and has always been praised as “the Yangtze River region in the frontier” and “the golden Zhangye”. Zhangye is long in history, splendid in culture, beautiful in landscape and honest in social mood. There are the wetland park nearest to city - Zhangye National Wetland Park; the biggest indoor wood stuffed and clay sculptured lying Buddha of the world, rare treasure - Zhangye Golden Sutra, treasure of cave art - grotto group in Mati Temple of Su’nan, Jinta Temple and Manjushree Temple, the most beautiful colorful Danxia of China, the best preserved ancient capital of Northern Liang of China - ancient ruins of Camel City, national classic red scenic spot - Memorial for West Army of Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, and the largest royal stud farm of the world - Shandan Horse Farm. Zhangye is a high taste integrated tourism-rich region in West China, and is an important tourist destination of the Silk Road golden tourist route.
■ 全国重点文物保护单位■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 世界最大的室内木胎泥塑卧佛
As a national key cultural relic under protection of the state and national AAAA-tourist scenic zone, it’s firstly built in the first year (1098) of Emperor Chongzong period of Western Xia Dynasty and occupies area of 30,000 square meters. With more than 20 ancient buildings, architecture area of 10,456 square meters, 530 square meters of murals and 46 clay sculptures亚当舒尔曼, it collects 10,043 pieces of ancient calligraphy and paintings, ancient coins, Buddhist sutra金丹酱板鸭, bronze, jade and wood wares and other precious cultural relics, among which 40 pieces are first-class, 33 pieces are second-class and 65 pieces are third-class. The only remaining religious hall of Western Xia minority Giant Buddha Hall, clay sculptured big lying Buddha with length of 34.5 meter in the hall and 5,985 volumes of first-carved and first-printed edition of Tripitaka are known as Three Treasures of the Giant Buddha Temple.
大佛殿 Giant Buddha Hall

It is only remaining religious hall of Western Xia minority with two floors, double eaves, height of 19 meters, length of 52.5 meters, width of 52.5 meters and total area of 1,470 square meters.
卧 佛 Lying Buddha

这尊释迦牟尼涅槃像初建于西夏崇宗永安元年红楼炮灰攻略 ,身长34.5米,肩宽7.5米,耳朵4米,脚长5.2米,乃世界最大的室内木胎泥塑卧佛。
The Nirvana figure of Sakyamuni Buddha was firstly made in the first year of Emperor Chongzong period of Western Xia Dynasty with body length of 34.5 meters, should width of 7.5 meters, ear of 4 meters and feet length 5.2 meters, which is the biggest indoor wood stuffed and clay sculptured lying Buddha of Asia.
金 经 Golden Sutra

Great Prajna Paramita Sutra written by gold and silver in Ming Dynasty has been remained 558 volumes (287 books) now. Divided into 30 cases, five books for each case, two volumes for each book, and then combined as ten volumes, it has 28 Mandala paintings on title page painted by golden lines in five folded papers. The picture takes Sakyamuni Buddha’s Mandala as the center, surrounded by 108 figures including Buddha, Bodhisattva, deva, arhat and immortal. The cover of sutra is bound by damask silk with pattern of dragon, which is very luxurious.
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 清凉之都 千年马蹄
马蹄寺坐落于临松山下、马蹄河畔,其石窟群开凿于十六国北凉时期,距今约1600年的历史,因神骥足印而声名远播,“三十三天”以7层21窟呈宝塔型开凿于悬崖蛸壁,气势恢宏,金塔寺内高肉雕彩塑飞天属中国洞窟艺术之罕见珍品浙江绿城吧 。马蹄寺风景名胜区是国家AAAA级旅游景区、全国重点文物保护单位、丝绸之路申报世界文化遗产备选点,是集石窟艺术、佛教文化、自然风光和裕固族、藏族风情为一体的旅游胜地。
Mati Temple is located in the foot of Linsong Mountain and riverside of Mati River, the grottoes were dug in the Sixteen States Northern Ling Period, with a history of about 1600 years. It is well-known because of the deity horse footprints. The “thirty-three days” was dug in the cliffs in the form of pagoda like 7 layers and 21 caves, with magnificent momentum. The color sculpture flying Apsaras in Jinta Temple is a rare treasure of China’s cave art. Mati Temple scenic area is a national AAAA tourist scenic zone, national cultural relics protection unit29天半 , candidate of the Silk Road for the declaration of World Cultural Heritage, and is tourist destination integrating grotto art, Buddhist culture, natural scenery, Yugurs and Tibetan style.

张掖丹霞国家地质公园Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park
■ 美国《国家地理》:世界十大神奇地理奇观■ 世界最大的室内木胎泥塑卧佛

Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park covers an area of 529 square kilometers, of which the color hilly area is about 50 square kilometers, and is a national AAAA tourist scenic zone.
Zhangye Danxia landform is China’s only Danxia landform in high recombination with color hilly landscape. It is odd and special for hierarchical scattered levels, steep cliffs, rich forms, amazing colors, with a high ornamental value and important scientific value. It enjoys the honors of “China’s top seven most beautiful Danxia landforms”, “China’s top six most beautiful exotic landforms” and “the world’s top ten magical geographical wonders”, and is a best place for tourism, painting, photography and science education.

平山湖大峡谷Pingshanhu Grand Canyon
■ 摄影家的新天地 ■ 酷车族的竞技场■ 旅游者的香巴拉 ■ 影视人的好莱坞

平山湖大峡谷距市区仅56公里,捕鱼机多少钱 是中国张掖地貌景观大观园中最美的景观之一。峡谷内,山倚壁蜿蜓,峰随地势峥嵘,石林犬牙交错,仿佛海市蜃楼,又如仙山琼阁。步入迷宫一样的峡谷,置身于纵横交错的沟壑,成林的群峰,犹如世界建筑大师巧夺天工之作,让人目不暇接:林立的楼群,雄奇的宫殿土龟网,人鸟兽塔,惟妙惟肖,面积之大,观赏性之强,世界罕见。景区以大峡谷、石林奇观、戈壁雪山、原始森林、自驾越野、运动攀岩、民族风情为一体,集科学价值和美学价值于一身,现已成为科普、生态、探险旅游的新亮点。
Pingshanhu Grand Canyon is only 56km from the city, is one of the most beautiful geomorphologic landscapes in Zhangye’s grand view garden. In the canyon, the mountains wind leaning the walls, peaks tower along the terrain, stone forest interlock with each other, as if a mirage and fairy mountain. Standing in the labyrinth like canyon, exposing to the criss-cross gullies, forest of peaks, like the work with wonderful workmanship excelling nature by world-renowned architects, tourists have too many things to see. Standing buildings, magnificent palaces, human, birds, animals, towers are remarkably true to life, which cover a large area, are highly ornamental and rare. The scenic area includes the grand canyon, stone wonders, desert and snow mountain, primitive forest, auto-drive cross-country, sport climbing, ethnic customers康熙是我的 , integrating scientific and aesthetic value, and has become a new highlight of science popularization, ecology, adventure and tourism.

大美祁连 避暑天堂Beautiful Qilian Summer Resort
■ 中国最美六大草原之一

Changing in countless ways, the vast and boundless grassland is like a poem or a drawing. The beautiful drawing like poem “Under wide sky, in broad land, sheep and cattle can be see when wind blows through grass” can be seen everywhere. Qilian Grassland is one of the most beautiful six grasslands.
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 中国离城市最近的国家湿地公园


It occupies area of 61,622 mu including 25,995 mu of wetland. Located in northern suburb of Zhangye City, it’s a composite of marsh wetland, lake wetland, river wetland and manmade wetland. As a natural ecological park, as well as “humidifier” and “oxygen device” for Zhangye City, there are 195 kinds of plants for 124 genera of 45 families and 116 common animals. On December 3rd, 2009, Zhangye Wetland Park was named as National Wetland Park by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

■ 中国历史最悠久的马场■ 世界最大的皇家马场

山丹马场地处祁连山冷龙岭北麓大马营草原,旧名大马营草滩。距山丹县城60公里,总面积2192平方公里,地势平坦广阔,土肥草茂畜旺。自西汉元狩二年 (公元前121年)起即为历代养马屯兵之要地,是世界第一大马场。每年5—10月间,巍巍祁连山,松雪碧岭,清秀素洁,茫茫大草原,广袤雄浑,丹马驰骋;万顷油菜花,金波摇曳,芳香醉人。窟窿峡、大黄沟、平羌口等自然景观,山环水曲,峰崖奇秀;古城堡李晓依,明烽燧凄然而立,回味悠远,使人产生回归自然,返朴归真,如入梦境的感觉。先后在这里拍摄了《蒙根花》、《牧马人》、《文成公主》、《王昭君》、《麦积烟雨》等30多部影视片。
Located in Damaying Grassland at north of Lenglongling Peak of Qilian Mountain, it has been called as Damaying Marsh. With total area of 2,192 square kilometers, plain and vast land, fertile soil, lush grass and plenteous animals, it’s sixty kilometers far away from Shandan County in south. Since B.C.121 of Western Han Dynasty, it has become an important place to raise horses and station troops and largest horse farm of the world. From July to August in every year, pines in green mountains are elegant, horses gallop in vast grassland, golden waves of boundless rape flowers give off intoxicating aroma. Kulongxia, Dahuanggou, Pingqiangkou and other natural landscapes are surrounded by mountains and rivers. Ancient castle and beacon tower stand lonely to send persons back to nature and dream. More than 30 movies and teleplays were shot here, such as Meng Genhua, Herdsman, Princess Wencheng, Wang Zhaojun and Misty Maiji Mountain.

金塔寺Jinta Temple
■ 世界上独有的高肉雕艺术

金塔寺距马蹄寺约20余公里。金塔寺东、西二石窟开凿在陡哨的红石崖壁上,距地表60余米。众多的高肉雕佛、菩萨、飞天,色彩艳丽,形式多变,大小错落有致,姜一郎 活泼轻盈,为国内绝无仅有之作。
20 kilometers far away from Mati Temple, east and west grottoes of Jinta Temple were carved in steep red stone cliffs 60 meters higher than surface of the earth. Lots of Buddha, Bodhisattva and fairies are various, changeful, orderly and lively, which are the only in China.

文殊寺Manjushree Temple
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 全国重点文物保护单位
文殊寺位于肃南县祁丰乡境内的文殊山。文殊寺石窟最早开凿于魏晋时期刘一水 ,寺庙建于唐贞观盛世之际齐人攫金 ,距今约有1500多年的历史,百子楼、观音楼、玉皇阁、卧佛殿、文殊菩萨殿、五百罗汉堂等古建筑宏伟壮观;千佛洞、文殊洞、三清洞、洪钧洞、白衣洞、闪佛洞等石窟独具特色,其楼阁、庙宇、云梯、石窟宏伟壮观汉魏文魁 ,建筑内佛像、罗汉、金刚、护法各有千秋。

As a national key cultural relic under protection of the state and national AAAA tourist scenic zone, it’s located at Manjushree Mountain in the territory of Qifeng Town of Su’nan County.
Grottoes of Manjushree Temple were firstly carved in Wei and Jin dynasties, while the temple was built in flourishing period of Tang Dynasty 1,500 years ago. Baizi Tower, Kwan-yin Tower, Yuhuang Pavilion, Lying Buddha Hall, Manjushree Bodhisattva Hall, Five Hundred Arhat Hall and other ancient building are magnificent; Thousand Buddha Cavity, Manjushree Cavity, Sanqing Cavity, Hongjun Cavity, White Clothes Cavity周梦晗, Shanfo Cavity and other grottoes are unique; pavilions, temples, stairs and grottoes are grand; Buddha, arhat, vajra and guardian are specialized.
国博故里——焉支山Holy Land of World Expo-Yanzhi Mountain
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区

40 kilometers far away from Shandan County, it’s a national AAAA tourist scenic zone and provincial-level forest park. At the 5th Year (609) of Emperor Daye Period of Sui Dynasty, when Emperor Daye summoned to interview 27 envoys of western regions in this mountain, Ganzhou and Liangzhou’s officials sent maidservants singing and dancing at intersection to welcome, which was recorded as “Expo of Thousands of Countries” in historical books. The whole scenic zone is coved by lush and dense original forests; sea of woods is boundless on mountains; ravines cross and streams flow under mountains; roes, deer, badgers, sheep and other wild animals run in mountains; straight mountains and peculiar stones stand beside valleys; and Zhongshan Temple and Yuhuang Hall scatter among peaks. When the sun rises in dawn, rosy clouds and mist keep changing, which is spectacular and beautiful. As a rare natural tourism resort to enjoy summer and spend holiday, it’s also called as “little Huangshan Mountain”.

山丹大佛寺The Great Buddha Temple in Shandan
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 天下第一佛

山丹大佛寺始建于北魏(公元425年),距今1600多年。大雄宝殿坐西望东,重楼7层、通高39米、全木质楼阁,飞檐徒壁大赵风云录 ,雄伟壮观。殿内供奉释迦牟尼坐像高35米,造型优美,线条流畅,栩栩如生。坐佛的手、足、胸及面部皆贴纯金箔,金光熠熠,令人叹为观止,被海内外佛教界高层人士誉为“天下第一佛”。
The Temple was started to be built in Northern Wei Dynasty落魄洪荒 , is a national AAAA tourist scenic zone. The Hall of Mahavira inside the Temple has seven floors, wooden pavilion of 39 meters high, upturned eave and warped angles, looking grand and splendid. The sitting statue of Sakyamuni in the Hall is 35 meters high with gold foil on the face, shining with golden light. The senior people in the field of Buddhism in China and foreign countries praise the Buddha as the “No. 1 Buddha in the world.”
中国工农红军西路军纪念馆The West Route Army of the CWPRA Memorial Hall
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 全国红色旅游经典景区■ 全国爱国主义教育示范基地

Located in southeast corner of Gaotai County, it’s firstly built in 1957, where Commander Dong Zhentang, political department’s Director Yang Keming of the Fifth Red Army and more than 3,000 revolutionary martyrs of West Army who bravely fought in west of the Yellow River and sacrificed in Gaotai were buried. As a national key martyrs’ memorial under protection, it has been named as one of Hundred National Demonstration Base for Patriotism Education, National Base for Youth Education and Provincial Base for National Defense Education in sequence. Selected as one of hundred national classic red scenic spots which is strong supported and built in 2006, it’s the most comprehensive and authoritative memorial to reflect history of the West Red Army at present.

大湖湾文化旅游风景区Dahuwan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 国家级湿地公园■ 国家水利风景区

Dahuwan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area has a total area of 10 square kilometers, including 5 square kilometers of water area. The scenic area is located in an agricultural hinterland, with abundant water, fertile soil, suitable for breeding and habitat of a variety of birds and growth of plants. There are more than 20 kinds of birds including the first-grade state protection animal black stork, and second-grade state protection animals of swan, white stork and yellow duck. It is an important channel and transit of Northeast China migratory birds. In each winter and spring, there are gathering swans, dancing black storks, swimming darks and singing egret, attracting countless visitors to enjoy the magnificent view of “covering the clouds and moon in flying, blackening the riverbank in settling”. Dahuwan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area is a national AAAA tourist scenic zone.

中华裕固风情走廊Chinese Yugur Style Corridor
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 裕固秘境 空中草原

In Yugu Style corridor there is special Danxia landscape. With towering and majestic snowy Qilian Mountain, beautiful prairie and various minority’s culture and custom, it’s a national cultural park that retains real mountain and water, distinctive features of scenery northwest region, as well as Yugu Nationality’s culture and custom, can be regarded as a district with rich tourism resources combining sky, land王华买爹 , mountain, river, human and primitive eco-look, which is rare in China.

扁都口生态休闲旅游区Biandukou Eco-Leisure Tourism Area
■ 国家AAAA级旅游景区■ 中国西部自驾游示范基地■ 国家山地户外运动训练基地
Biandukou is a hub of Gansu and Qinghai as well as an important channel of the Silk Road. The scenic area integrates natural scenery, historical monuments and ethnic customs. The golden pastoral scenery with “One hundred thousand mu of rape flower”, Dadouba Valley, Highland Pasture, Heifeng Cave, Stone Buddha, Zhuge Monument and Biyuntian, etc, are prestigious and fascinating. Biandukou Eco-Leisure Tourism Area is a national AAA tourist scenic zone, Gansu hiking outdoor sports base, Gansu Car and Motorcycle Sport Camp药师佛心咒 , the province’s top ten tourist attractions, and is an ideal place for holidays and summer resort.